meetup #11

FHIR® Topic-based Subscriptions

Catch up with the challenges, use cases and solutions

november, 2023
Tuesday, 10:00 AM PT

Meetup #11

FHIR topic-based subscriptions are a robust way to keep various systems in sync with the relevant data changes, promoting timely data sharing and supporting enhanced healthcare workflows.

Come and be a part of FHIR Meetup #11 on November 14, 2023, at 10:00 AM PT. We'll be addressing challenges and solutions, featuring lightning talks with Q&A sessions.

Our speakers are:
- Gino Canessa, Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft.
- Maxim Putintsev, Software Engineer at Health Samurai.

The session is moderated by Nikolay Ryzhikov, CTO at Health Samurai.

Feel free to prepare questions and ask the speakers during the live event or privately afterward on the HealthDevHub Slack channel.



10:50 AM PT
Join call & intros ~10 min
11:00 AM PT
FHIR Meetup opening~10 min
11:10 AM PT
SMART on FHIR In The Real World. Gasper Andrejc,  Parsek~15 min
11:25 AM PT
Q&A Session ~5 min
11:30 AM PT
SMART On FHIR and Ways To Implement Security Policies. Vlad Ganshin, Health Samurai
11:45 AM PT
Q&A Session ~5 min
11:50 AM PT
An Implementer's Journey Through Divergent Authorization. Brendan Keeler, Flexpa
12:05 AM PT
Q&A Session ~5 min
12:10 AM PT
SMART on FHIR Demo application which demonstrate steps into SMART on FHIR flow. Vishwasrao Salunkhe, Wolters Kluwer
12:25 AM PT
Q&A Session ~5 min
12:30 AM PT
SMART on FHIR roundtable (~45 min)~30 min
November 14, 2023
10:00 AM -11:30 AM PT
Recorded Meetup
Free of charge

Topics & Speakers

FHIR Subscriptions: Server-driven workflows
Gino will unravel the significance of FHIR Subscriptions, demonstrating their practical use and diving into a real-world scenario: Care Team Notifications. Discover how subscriptions tackle critical healthcare challenges and learn the step-by-step process of adoption.
  • Why do we need FHIR Subscriptions?
  • How to use FHIR Subscriptions (with demo)
  • Example Use Case: Care Team Notifications

Gino Canessa

Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft
// Bio
Gino Canessa is a Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft, affiliated with Microsoft Research - Health Futures. With an extensive background in Healthcare Standards and Interoperability, Gino's primary focus since 2019 has been on FHIR. His expertise encompasses infrastructure and tooling, code generation, and specification development. Notably, Gino's journey in healthcare tech began in the DICOM realm, where he played a significant role, though he now humorously apologizes for the era of CDs. His work is a testament to his dedication to advancing healthcare technology and standards.
Practical Implementation
Maxim will demonstrate practical implementations of topic-based subscriptions, revealing just how effortlessly you can subscribe and stay informed within your FHIR server.

Maxim Putintsev

Software Engineer at Health Samurai
// Bio
Max brings 6 years of experience in software engineering, including 4 years in Health IT and FHIR. Proficient in technologies such as Clojure, ClojureScript, Golang, C, JavaScript, and PostgreSQL, Max also boasts experience leading the Aidbox integration team, mastering HL7 v2 integration, Subscription and Bulk APIs, PUB/SUB module, Workflow API, and more.
Q&A Session
Nikolay will host the event and generally create a welcoming environment for invited guests and speakers.
Nikolai Ryzhikov

Nikolay Ryzhikov

CTO at Health Samurai
// Bio
Nikolay is a CTO at Health Samurai and technical leader of the Aidbox FHIR Platform with more than 15 years of experience in healthcare IT. Since 2012 has been actively contributing to the FHIR standard, and popular open-source projects like Fhirbase, FHIR.js. Author of the FHIR-first development approach and regular speaker of FHIR events.

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